
Showing posts from April, 2020

Everything must change by Brian D. McLaren - Book Review

With all that is going on in the world today with the COVID19 pandemic, most people would agree that everything must change, but would most people know why, how and to what end? Back in 2007, Brian McLaren in his book, everything must change, was able to give the right diagnosis of our world today and to suggest a way forward for individuals, communities, states and the global community. Brain takes time to explore two major questions including: Q#1. What are the biggest problems in the world? Q#2. What does Jesus have to say about the global problems? The author identifies four deep dysfunctions that could explain the plethora of critical global crisis. 1) The environmental breakdown caused by our unsustainable global economy – the prosperity crisis; 2) The growing gap between the ultra-rich and the extremely poor – the equity crisis; 3) The danger of cataclysmic war arising from intensifying resentment and fear among various groups – the security crisis; and 4) The failure of the...

Your Work Matters to God by Doug Sherman and William Hendricks - Book Review

Will religion loose its relevance? From reading this book, I’ve come to realize that loosing relevance is the greatest threat to religion. The world today has different heroes from those in the field of religion, including from Christianity. And ministers have not really helped with the situation as they continue preaching a message which is far removed from what people are facing on a daily basis. This leaves an odd feeling among people that most of work doesn’t matter to God. Because, if people who supposedly speak for God think little of their world, then God must think likewise. For this reason most people are dismissing religion and God as irrelevant. The Authors show that the church has grown virtually silent on the subject of work and there seems to be a disparity between the emphases of most Christian teaching and the way most people live. Many workers in the modern marketplace feel increasingly bored with their jobs and life. The book shows that this is due to Purposelessn...

Spiritual Leadership by Oswald Sanders - Book Review

I cannot think of any other book that had such a significant impact in setting me on the journey for spiritual leadership and molding my leadership more than this book. After reading it 15 years ago; I’m surprised that its lessons are still as poignant as they were back in 2005. I can understand why over the span of half a century, Oswald Sanders book has earned recognition as a classic in the study of principles of godly leadership. Chapter 21 – Perils of Leadership should be a companion for every leader. Is it right for a person to want to be a leader? We mostly and with some level of hypocrisy tend to think that it is better for a leadership position to seek us out rather than us seeking it out. Sanders shows that there is a place for genuine ambition in leadership, including in spiritual leadership. Desiring to excel and lead is not a sin. It is motivation that determines ambition’s character. What would be the usefulness of single person? The Bible shows us that when God doe...