The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hanses and Les Hewitt.

Every generation has sought the answer to the question: What is it that makes some people achieve extraordinary results while others stagnate? While past literature on this topic are widely available, the 21st century more than any other time in history really needs to tackle this question especially because of its fast changing context with all it’s many complexities. In the Power of Focus, the authors give a guide to how we can focus our lives and achieve great results while, at the same time, living fulfilled lives. The major purpose of the book is to inspire people to take action. Massive action. To create successful habits and live by them consistently and persistently. The authors argue that life doesn’t just happen to you but that it’s all about choices and how you respond to every situation. So, if you are in the habit of continually making bad choices, disaster will often occur. Consistent choices lay the foundation for your habits, and in turn your habits play a major role in...