Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road by Brian D. McLaren

Why do you think Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed would walk across the road to meet each other? What would they do or talk about? Brian believes that this imagery is not the beginning of a joke but it’s rather the start of one of the most important and fascinating conversations in the world today. No one can deny the central role and influence that religion has had and still has on our world and history. Our identity has been largely formed by or in relation to our religious beliefs or lack of. In this “How to” book, the author attempts to compassionately, respectfully and tactfully reframe Christian identity in a multi-faith world. He takes a practical, pastoral and constructive approach by focusing on how to develop a healthy, sane and faithful Christian identify in a multi-fait world. This identity goes beyond having a common enemy to fight and conquer which leads to hostility and violence but it’s about solidarity and benevolence. The author seeks to guide those who are...