Covid19 Vaccine - My first dose

This May 20, 2021, I took my first dose of the Covid19 Vaccine. The next dose is for July 20, 2021. A simple action which did not require much effort on my part, yet this result required the efforts of a large part of humanity and especially of scientific community.

My aspiration is that this same collective and assiduous commitment be made to deal with other diseases including malaria, typhoid fever, cholera, Ebola, pneumonia etc. ; which have plagued the world for several years, especially in its less technologically advanced parts.

While the virus which immediately threatens our existence can mobilize the world at this magnitude, it is important to know that there are other threats which are slowly killing us, including famine, poverty, careless accidents, lack of suitable medical care, underdevelopment, wars, killings and the like. And yet I firmly believe that we have the capacity as humanity to solve these issues.

The countries which are mostly affected by these afflictions have a responsibility to take the initiative in finding solutions and not waiting for the rest of the world, which does not directly feel threatened.

As a Congolese from the DRC, I ask myself the question: Do we have the required technical skills, infrastructure, funds, will and commitment? I think the answer is obvious. Can we raise this challenge? Yes, we can.

Muhindo Malunga Lusukiro
Réflexions sur la vie, l'humanité, le développement et le leadership | +243 993 401 064
Skype: Muhindo Malunga Lusukiro (muhindoml) | Twitter: @muhindoml


  1. Yes we can! I agree with you...And I believe that the more people will be aware of all these issues, the more they will start working on them and making them a priority


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