
Showing posts from July, 2022

The End of Poverty – How we can make it happen in our lifetime by Jeffrey D. Sachs

Jeff strongly believes that our generation has the opportunity to end extreme poverty in the world’s most desperate nations and stop the vicious cycles of bad health, bad debt, bad economics, bad strategies, bad choices, insufficient action and sometimes bad luck that hold back more than a billion people. Most people will agree that extreme poverty is bad and should be addressed but are we prepared to pay to price for taking the next steps in building an equitable world where all lives have the same values and dignity regardless of color and origin? In a world where distance no longer determines who your neighbor is, paying the price of equality and equity is not just having a good heart, it is being smart! History will be our judge, but what will be written is entirely up to us: Who we are, who we’ve been and what we want to be remembered for. We can’t say our generation did not know how to do it or could not afford it or did not have the reasons to do it. It’s up to us. In the End of...

Finding the True You by Sheila Toya

Unlike all other creatures, humans can think about their existence. They can question and ponder about the reason for their existence. They can even think about thinking! This ability to reflect and self-reflect is probably what makes life one of the greatest adventures that you can embark on. As a species, we know we have our collective significance, but being human causes us to go beyond the general categorization and ask a more personal question: Who I am as an individual? Am I just a drop in the ocean of humans or does my life has an individual meaning and significance? Sheila argues that finding the true you is an important discovery that enables you to not only understand yourself but also to embrace your true self and live an authentic and fulfilled life. The author walks with you, taking you through a journey of transformation from the cradle to the place of ultimately finding the true you. She seeks to guide you on how you can transform your live by carefully assessing your be...

ROOTING FOR RIVALS – How collaboration and generosity increase impact of Leaders, Charities, and Churches by Peter Greer and Christ Horst - with Jill Heisey

Pride, the oldest known among all vices and perhaps the most insidious, is still present today both among saints and common men and women. Can we reject pride of ownership and pursue a ‘Kingdom First” agenda?  In Rooting for Rivals, Peter and Christ, open their hearts and ministry for all to see the corruption of pride even among the most scripture-driven organizations and especially among leaders of faith-based and charitable organizations. The authors give an honest assessment of prideful behavior covered with tons of good intentions and give practical ways to practice its antidote, Humility. The authors also extend the reflection across the 7 deadly sins and how to overcome them. How did Christian and faith-based organizations come to be known more for what and whom they are against than for what they actually do, support and encourage? How can we multiply our impact by cooperating rather than competing? Is working together only a slogan used while attracting people to rally to ...