Finding the True You by Sheila Toya

Unlike all other creatures, humans can think about their existence. They can question and ponder about the reason for their existence. They can even think about thinking!

This ability to reflect and self-reflect is probably what makes life one of the greatest adventures that you can embark on. As a species, we know we have our collective significance, but being human causes us to go beyond the general categorization and ask a more personal question: Who I am as an individual? Am I just a drop in the ocean of humans or does my life has an individual meaning and significance?

Sheila argues that finding the true you is an important discovery that enables you to not only understand yourself but also to embrace your true self and live an authentic and fulfilled life. The author walks with you, taking you through a journey of transformation from the cradle to the place of ultimately finding the true you. She seeks to guide you on how you can transform your live by carefully assessing your belief systems, their origin and manifestation and how you can improve different aspects of your live with actionable suggestions.

The author shows that many times we live through life totally unfulfilled, merely existing allowing people, situations and circumstances determine who we are or how we live our lives and we end up missing out God’s blueprint for our lives. Our ignorance of this revelation which acts as a compass for navigating the way we should go, leads to us losing the person that we were created to be.

How often have felt unworthy? How often have you felt not beautiful or handsome enough? Or how many times have you looked at yourself and wished you had a better figure? How often have you wished you were someone else? What if you were told that you are unique, you are special?

The quest of Finding the True You begins with knowing and being fully persuaded that there is a grand plan. You are a small part of the bigger plan. This calls for re-aligning yourself with the divine intent.

On this journey, we need to consider our life’s challenges and how situations we have gone through from our childhood have impacted our character.  We need to embrace the journey of self-assessment. This is basically asking: Where am I from and how did I get here? While self-assessment can lead to disappointments, you need to continue your self-discovery journey by focusing on your strengths in every particular aspect of you live. 

By focusing on the strengths, you become intentional in building on the positive aspects of live. Each time you highlight the strengths and positives in you, you develop mental building blocks which are what you use to build a new mindset while on other hand, you begin to destroy the hold that the negatives have on you.

This journey will require nurturers. People who care for you and are committed to seeing you find your true self.  This process of transformation will require time, diligence and patience. You need to seek knowledge and understanding. Seek knowledge concerning who you are, why you are wired the way you are etc. The more truth and understanding you acquire the stronger you become.

This transformation journey is grounded in key principles that quicken the process:

  1. Acceptance – Appreciating that you are different and that you are on a different journey.
  2. Self-management – develop the ability to manage your thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
  3. Patience – patience with oneself as well as others allows progress to be personal and progressive without feeling an urgency of results.
  4. Intuition/Wisdom – trust your own intuition and wisdom insights with the understanding that every individual is different.

This process of transformation puts you face to face with the hash truth about your life. Truth can be hard; it can be raw and unnerving but remember that no one is perfect, we all have flaws. We come into a state of peace when we realize that indeed all things ultimately work for good for us as people that love God. Journeying through life becomes easier and lighter from the standpoint of this understanding.

Sheila urges us not to fall prey to peer pressure and manipulation. People of different ages and at stages of their lives do and experience different things. What we you is to: (1) Evaluate and identify where you have lost your identity (2) Know who you are (3) Consider your new attitudes, beliefs and values

One of life’s greatest realizations in living intentionally is understanding that you are here to live out your own live according to you divine life path.  This enables you to harness the power to say NO. Stating your preference may seem selfish, rude or overbearing however it is indicative that you know what you need or do not need.

  • Become self-aware, 
  • Embrace individuality, 
  • Love yourself, 
  • Care for yourself, 
  • Live intentionally, 
  • Avoid rivalry, 
  • Take responsibility,
  • Avoid peer pressure, 
  • Develop ingenuity,
  •  Be productive

 Muhindo Malunga Lusukiro
Reflections on life, humanity, development and leadership | +243 993 401 064
Skype: Muhindo Malunga Lusukiro (muhindoml) | Twitter: @muhindoml


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