
The Spirit-Led Leader by Timothy C. Geoffrion

After prayerfully reading this book, “Leadership beyond human striving” would be a great summary to this profound call to be Spirit-Led Leaders! Timothy opens us to his own personal journey to become a Spirit-led leader. He graciously shares his struggles along this journey and openly confesses that he is still on the journey to be a better Spirit-led leader day after day. In a world where all processes and methods are being systematized, where leadership has been made to become an art and science that anyone can learn without the help of spirituality, the author recaptures the importance of integrating spirituality in our every-day leadership, which he argues should stem from our personal and yielded walk with God and surrender to his Spirit. The author essentially shows that our relationship with God should inform and empower all we are given to do. As Spirit-led leaders, every aspect of our leadership should be influenced by our sense of connection to God. This is leading while bein...

The Sacrifice of Africa by Emmanuel KATONGOLE

Originally written under the title Church and State in Africa: Toward a Constructive Social Imagination, in The Sacrifice of Africa, distinguished author Emmanuel Katongole has, in my opinion, put together a groundbreaking reflection with remarkable simplicity and clarity that qualifies to be a guide to all who are and have been concerned by the many contradictions and paradoxes of the state of the Church and the Nation-State in Africa. What might a Constructive Social re-imagination of Africa look like? Could we put forward a strong argument for a fresh, concrete and doable Social alternative for Africa that will not only remain a theoretical possibility? Africa needs saving! This salvation is long overdue. It’s not salvation in a spiritual sense (not only), but salvation from a Ghost that the author, borrowing from Adam Hoschschild, calls “King Leopold’s Ghost”. This salvation is needed as the lack of it explains why all efforts and strategies for improving and managing failing insti...

The Fortunes of Africa by Martin Meredith

A 5000-Year History of Wealth, Greed, and Endeavor. A remarkable story of the making or, should I say, the unmaking of Africa!! How do you summarize 700 pages of history in a few words? Capturing all the stories and “facts”? As I doubt there is a way one can successfully sum up the history of Africa in a few words, I encourage you, beyond this summary, to read the book. I can safely say that Martin Meredith has provided a well-written time travel to different places and times across Africa. NB: My personal reflection and response to The Fortunes of Africa will be published in a separate article in the near future. Ever since the era of the pharaohs, Africa has been coveted for its riches. The pyramids of the Nile Valley dazzled the rest of the world not just because of the ingenuity of their architects and builders but as symbols of the wealth of Egypt’s rulers who commissioned them as stepping stones to the afterlife. The author starts by showing that the unification of Egypt nearly 5...

Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road by Brian D. McLaren

Why do you think Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed would walk across the road to meet each other? What would they do or talk about? Brian believes that this imagery is not the beginning of a joke but it’s rather the start of one of the most important and fascinating conversations in the world today. No one can deny the central role and influence that religion has had and still has on our world and history. Our identity has been largely formed by or in relation to our religious beliefs or lack of. In this “How to” book, the author attempts to compassionately, respectfully and tactfully reframe Christian identity in a multi-faith world. He takes a practical, pastoral and constructive approach by focusing on how to develop a healthy, sane and faithful Christian identify in a multi-fait world.  This identity goes beyond having a common enemy to fight and conquer which leads to hostility and violence but it’s about solidarity and benevolence. The author seeks to guide those who are...

Atomic Habits – Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results by James Clear

What if you could find an easy and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones? What if you could make tiny changes and produce remarkable results? In this book, Author James Clear presents a revolutionary way to get 1 percent better every day. People think when you want to change your life, you need to take big and bold steps but the book essentially shows that real change comes from the compound effect of multiple small decisions and actions. This is a simple way to hack life! James Clear starts with an extraordinary story of his terrible injury and near-death experience on a baseball field that shattered his life in a few seconds and how his journey to recovery taught him the power of small and consistent changes, efforts and victories that can completely transform a life over a period of time. His injury and recovery reveal how changes that seem small and unimportant at first will compound into remarkable results if one will to stick with them in the long haul. The author sh...

The Principle and Practice of Honor by Apostle Moses Mukisa

For many people, Honor is one of the most confusing notions and practice among people and especially in the body of Christ. How do you differentiate between honoring and worshiping or flattering people? Should we prevent people from practicing honor because of some abuses of the principle by ill-intentioned people? In this book, Apostle Moses demystifies Honor and makes it understandable and accessible in the simplest and most practical of ways. With a series of unusual look at Bible stories, the principles and practices of honor come alive in a beautiful way. Drawing from his personal story, growth and journey, Apostle Moses gives real life examples of how understanding honor and practicing it will open your life to new vistas of experiencing God’s faithfulness. The author shows on the outset that Honor is due! It is not something to be debated. It is to be practiced period. It is not based on emotions or on whether the situation warrants it or not. Honor is due to some people! Honor ...

La Révolution des Solutions écrit par William D. Eggers et Paul MacMillan

Les auteurs explorent la question centrale de comment le secteur privé, le secteur public et les entreprises sociales veulent résoudre ensemble les problèmes les plus difficiles de la société. Cette exploration provient de l’évidence que le gouvernement ne peut à lui seul résoudre les problèmes les plus ardus de la société : Soins médicaux à bas coût, lutte contre la pauvreté, production d’énergies renouvelables etc.  William et Paul postulent qu’il nous faut un modèle économique diffèrent qui puisse utiliser avec souplesse les ressources, conjuguer les efforts et créer de la valeur tout en améliorant la vie des citoyens. Ce livre nous montre la voie à suivre pour y parvenir. La force de l’économie des solutions provient d’un nouveau marché à 1 trillion de dollars pour les biens publics. Les auteurs nous révèlent l’essor d’une nouvelle économie dont les acteurs issus du monde des affaires, du gouvernement, d’associations et d’entreprises sociales unissent leurs efforts pour résoudr...

On Leadership by Harvard Business Review – HBR

A compilation of many years of research, summarized in 10 articles on leadership What Makes a Leader? Daniel Coleman argues that what distinguishes great leaders from merely good ones isn’t IQ or technical skills but that is it Emotional Intelligence. He goes further to suggest a group of five skills that enable the best leaders to maximize their own and their follower’s performance including: Self-awareness – knowing one’s strengths, weaknesses, drives, values and impact on others Self-regulation – controlling or redirecting disruptive impulses and moods Motivation – relishing achievement for its own sake Empathy – understanding other people’s emotional makeup Social skills – building rapport with others to move them in desired directions While we are each born with certain levels of EI skills, we can still strengthen these abilities through persistence, practice, and feedback from colleagues or coaches. What Makes an Effective Executive? Peter F. Drucker addresses the fear of not be...

How to Lead by Jo Owen

The definite guide to effective leadership Jo Owen essentially as that anyone can learn to be a great leader and everyone can learn to lead better. This book shows you how. How to lead is about becoming an effective leader, not the perfect leader. While building on wisdom from the previous editions of the book, the author additionally explores the final frontier of leadership: the mindset of a leader. After many years of focusing on the skills of leaders, it is becoming clear that the most successful leaders are not always the most skilled. Indeed, as people slowly emerge into the limelight of leadership, any modest flaws they had as junior managers become magnified and exposed in the spotlight. Jo Owen looks at what leaders actually do. Day to day, they do what most of us do. They go to meetings, talk to people, deal with crisis, get fed up with emails and work long hours. In any one day, it is hard to see a pattern to their work. But when you look at what they do over a month or a ye...

La Faillite des Nations – Les origines de la puissance, de la prospérité et de la pauvreté écrit par les Professeurs Daron Acemuglu et James A. Robinson

Pourquoi certains pays sont-ils riches et d’autres pauvres ? Dans la Faillite des Nations, Daron et James nous font voyager à travers le temps, l’histoire, les cultures et l’espace à l’aide de nombreux exemples, du néolithique à nos jours, pour répondre à cette question, tout en explorant les autres réponses déjà théorisées par d’autres auteurs.  Les auteurs démontrent que l’histoire et l’analyse économique suggèrent que c’est la présence ou l’absence de certaines institutions politiques et économiques qui facilite ou entrave le chemin vers la prospérité. Les institutions inclusives permettent à la population de limiter l’exercice du pouvoir politique et à chacun d’exercer des activités économiques conformément à son choix et ses talents. Les institutions extractives, en revanche, réservent un pouvoir politique presque illimité à une élite qui tend à façonner les institutions économiques pour servir des intérêts particuliers plutôt que ceux de la population. Dans ce livre, Daron et...

The End of Poverty – How we can make it happen in our lifetime by Jeffrey D. Sachs

Jeff strongly believes that our generation has the opportunity to end extreme poverty in the world’s most desperate nations and stop the vicious cycles of bad health, bad debt, bad economics, bad strategies, bad choices, insufficient action and sometimes bad luck that hold back more than a billion people. Most people will agree that extreme poverty is bad and should be addressed but are we prepared to pay to price for taking the next steps in building an equitable world where all lives have the same values and dignity regardless of color and origin? In a world where distance no longer determines who your neighbor is, paying the price of equality and equity is not just having a good heart, it is being smart! History will be our judge, but what will be written is entirely up to us: Who we are, who we’ve been and what we want to be remembered for. We can’t say our generation did not know how to do it or could not afford it or did not have the reasons to do it. It’s up to us. In the End of...

Finding the True You by Sheila Toya

Unlike all other creatures, humans can think about their existence. They can question and ponder about the reason for their existence. They can even think about thinking! This ability to reflect and self-reflect is probably what makes life one of the greatest adventures that you can embark on. As a species, we know we have our collective significance, but being human causes us to go beyond the general categorization and ask a more personal question: Who I am as an individual? Am I just a drop in the ocean of humans or does my life has an individual meaning and significance? Sheila argues that finding the true you is an important discovery that enables you to not only understand yourself but also to embrace your true self and live an authentic and fulfilled life. The author walks with you, taking you through a journey of transformation from the cradle to the place of ultimately finding the true you. She seeks to guide you on how you can transform your live by carefully assessing your be...